The idea of establishing an agency dedicated to such a noble cause was conceived by Mr. Ghanshyam Kalwani, who serves as the Director and Lead Trainer of the company. Mr. Kalwani is a former marine and mechanical engineer from the Indian Navy, a trained core firefighter, a qualified safety professional, a lead auditor in OHSAS, and a certified first aid instructor by the Maharashtra government’s Department of Urban Development and Public Health. The organization took shape in 2009, and since then, approximately 1000 programs on various safety topics have been delivered, benefiting almost 40,000 participants.
In India, there is a significant gap in safety awareness among the population. Despite the availability of resources, people often do not follow established procedures, rules, and regulations, thereby endangering their lives and property. Mr. Kalwani, along with his team, took the initiative to bridge this gap by enhancing the knowledge base of individuals to save precious lives and property.
At SAFEPRO Centre for Training & Consultancy, we emphasize conducting training programs that increase participants’ awareness and knowledge, enabling them to utilize this knowledge in life and property safety situations. Our core areas include first aid, fire safety, evacuation mock drills, and other safety oriented programms. Participants are trained in various first aid, fire safety, and general safety techniques essential during emergencies. To facilitate easy understanding, our training programs are divided into different levels and can be conducted in half-day, full-day, or two-day modules, depending on organizational convenience. Modules can also be customized to meet specific group needs. We offer specialized modules on CPR and AED training, as well as first aid programs tailored for factories and industries, addressing specific hazards and potential serious injuries workers may encounter.
In addition to the training programms, we support our clients by providing first aid-related products such as Automated External Defibrillator (AED), Foldable Pole Stretchers, First Aid Kits, Ambu Bags, and Pocket CPR Masks through our sister concern, SAFEPRO Industrial Solutions.